Gabions Products
- Military Gabions
- Hot Dipped Galvanized Gabion Mesh Cells
- Welded Mesh Gabions Architectural Wall Cladding
- Gabions (Gabiony)
- Galfan + PVC Coated Gabions
- Gabion Mattresses for Flood Protection Embankment
- Planted Gabion Walls
- Gabions and Geotextiles for Bridge Construction
- Gabion Basket Hot Dip Galvanized
- Gabions P. V. C. Coated Galvanised Wire Box
- Gabions River Training Works
- Geotextile Fabric
- Woven Wire Mesh Cages for Gabion Project
- Gabion Fence
- Welded Gabions Coating Galfan
- Gabion Baskets Double Twisted Galvanized
- Triple Twisted Wire Mesh Gabions
- Gabion Box
- Woven Gabions
- Gabion Baskets
- Wire Mesh Gabion Mattress
- Gabion Cages (Stone Box)
- Gabion Wall
- Hexagonal Gabions Netting
- Gabions Machine
- Welded Gabions
- Sack Gabions
- Reinforced Gabions
- Gabion faced reinforced soil walls
- Gabion Mattress
- Gabions for Water Conservancy
- Gabions for Bridge Protection System
- Gabion Wall Drop Structures
- Modular Gabions as Architectural Elements
- Gravity Wall of Gabions
- Gabions for Headwalls or Wingwalls
- Channel Linings
- Modular Gabions for Rockfall Netting System
Gabions Wall Fence - Wire Basket Gabion Fence Filled with Stones or Mortar
Gabion Baskets filled with stones or mortar can be placed one on the other, like bricks, to form a wall or a more complex structure for fencing or barrier uses. Once assembled, the Gabions Wall Fencing are aesthetic, resistant and simple. Gabions are very effective way of fencing as they are built with the usage of the on site stones quickly and economically. The gabion fences fit well to the surrounding areas. The stone can be of any size, from round bounders to large pebbles to broken angular, which may differ according to the needs and supply.
Gabion fence can be set from different modular of galvanized steel wire baskets / cages being assembled in situation. See illustrations below. The gabion cages can be designed to form various types of gabion fences. Varieties can be made from the thickness to the mesh pattern.
Illustrations of Different Sizes of Wire Baskets for Building the Gabion Wall Fence:
Design of Gabion Fencing:
The wall consists of concrete base, approximately 40 centimeter high and deep, strong enough to protect the wall from vehicles but not huge enough to dominate the vision of the wall. Then the gabion cubes are placed to form the module of the wall. Each side of the module is framed with a steel pole in order to increase the resistance and stability of the fence.
Structural Illustration of the Fence:
Aerct supplies the galvanized steel wire gabion fence including gabion bench and gabion gate for the landscape and site uses.
Popular gabion wall fence system as follows:
Gabion Fencing, Spec: 3 mm or 4 mm Galvanized steel wire or corrosion protected iron, steel etc.
Gabion fencing including one gate and one bench, fence height 1 Mtr
Qty: 123 Mtr Fencing
Gabion fencing including one gate and one bench, fence height 1.5 Mtr
Qty: 123 Mtr Fencing
Gabion fencing including one gate and one bench, fence height 1 Mtr
Qty: 322 Mtr Fencing
Gabion fencing including one gate and one bench, fence height 1.5 Mtr
Qty: 322 Mtr Fencing
Gabion Bench:
Gabion cage can be used to design different kinds of furniture to be used on the site. The examples below illustrate the possible combination of wood, stones and cages which are consistent with the design of gabion fencing proposal. The stones shall be provided from limestone resources of the island.
Proposed dimension of gabion bench: 50cmx50cmx15cmx45cmx120cm